The Ride


About the Ride

To all Lost & Found participants, we can't wait for you to experience the beautiful backcountry routes deep in the Lost Sierra!

New Courses for 2025!

All route information listed on this page is from last year's Lost and Found, but will provide an idea of what to expect. The new 2025 routes will be released soon, stay tuned!

The rugged, rocky final descent is out, but the course focus on "epically beautiful" will remain, stay tuned.

This is the Sierra so plan on running wider tires with more tread. We recommend at least 40mm wide tires for cyclocross bikes (like WTB Raddler, Riddler or Resolute tires), and riding a light, fast rigid mountain bike with 2.0 tires wouldn't be a bad choice either, especially if you are more comfortable on a mountain bike. There are lots of rocks and rain ruts crossing the dirt road sections in numerous spots, so when in doubt, check your speed a little. Although there are sections of gravel and almost 20% of road in the approximately 100mile event, the non-road sections will make you savor the pavement and all the amazing views.

This year will be much more than just a "gravel grinder"; it will be a rugged and beautiful off-road adventure - Lost Sierra style - so plan accordingly. The proposed course is much smoother than in past years, except for that spectacular last descent (more on that later), as it uses higher-quality and maintained Forest Service and County roads. Starting from the City Park in Portola, you will launch into the magic that is the Lost Sierra. Now about that last descent... it starts off with an epic view thousands of feet above the grand Sierra Valley the descends on a long boney double track down to the valley. A bit bumpy with a long descent, work the smooth on the two tracks! But hey! 10 miles of downhill back to the finish is worth it!


Table of Contents


Lost and Found riders in the mountains
Photo: John Watson for The Radavist

Lost and Found Routes

FULL BULL (long) - ‘Serious Riders and Racers’
Estimated to be 80-90 miles

  • Distance meant for race-pacers wanting to test their Strava, strength and mettle; and fit rider athletes looking for a strenuous challenge

MID MOO (medium) - ‘Adventure Rider’
Estimated to be ~60 miles

  • Distance meant for a long ride experience while appreciating views and serenity; equivalent to a century road ride

HALF CALF (short) - ‘Good Times Rider’
Estimated to be ~35 miles

  • Distance meant for seeking social, scenic fun ride, laughs, and great views

Route profile, elevation gain, and aid station info coming soon!

Note that route distances are approximate and within a +/- range of a few miles.

For racer age groups and levels see our registration page.

The course features mulitple theme based aid stations

Paul Component Aid Station group of workers

Elevation Profiles

Route profile, elevation gain, and aid station info coming soon!


Course Maps From Last Year's Race

Our goal is to send riders off to explore the vast North Eastern Sierra, and to get out there and find the vast backcountry valleys, big mountains and spectacular lakes that are the Lost Sierra.

All courses map:

Lost and Found gravel grinder map
Click for Large All Courses Map (650k)

Google Map to Portola City Park (start)

.GPX Files (zip enclosed for download)
35 mile, 60 mile, 100 mile routes
CalTopo map and .GPX download as well as other file formats if you have issues with the above files.


Lost and Found Rider Guide

Lost and Found Rider Guide - 2024
ALL of the race and festival info in one document to take with you!

Review the Lost and Found Rider Guide to make sure you know all the important details on schedule, parking information, course turn-by-turn directions, aid station information, and the required waivers for you to bring at packet pickup. Download to your phone so you have all the details at your fingertips!

Download and view the 2024 Rider Guide (PDF)

Lost and Found Rider Guide



All categories will stage at least 15 minutes prior to start time for instructions on completing the ride.

  • 8am start as mass roll-out for 100 mile racers
  • 9am start as mass roll-out for 60 and 35 mile racers
  • Timing for all categories will begin at the start at Portola City Park
  • All categories will stage at least 15 minutes prior to start time for instructions on completing the ride
  • Neutral roll-out start on Highway 70
  • Riders need to stay right and not cross the road divider on Highway 70 (during the neutral roll out)

Many will choose to ride, rather than race and take advantage of the views, the libations and the serenity.

There will be a dedicated course sweep for all course lengths. 

The Ride will be held rain, shine, sleet or snow. In the event of extreme weather or natural disaster, the ride may be shortened, postponed or canceled without refund.


During a “Rolling Enclosure”, vehicle traffic will be stopped and controlled by course officials and/or law enforcement to ensure rider safety and to keep the peloton moving swiftly. Once the peloton has passed through, the intersection will re-open to vehicle traffic. Rolling Enclosures are estimated to take no more than 10 minutes at each intersection. Riders riding behind the peloton must obey all rules of the road, as there will be no Rolling Closures in place.



If at anytime an STBS staff member, or a member of the emergency response team, determines a rider is physically unable to complete the event within the allotted time frame. You must accept a ride back to the emergency response center at the Portola City Park/Finish area.

Course officials reserve the right to remove and “DNF” any rider from the event that is deemed incapable of safely finishing the course for any reason.

If you do not make the cut-off time or are unable for any reason to finish, please DO NOT go through the finish line as it will foul-up our results!



There will be multiple aid stations evenly spaced on all routes. They’ll be stocked with fresh water, energy snacks and all the great items our generous aid station sponsors provide each year.

Lost and Found Paul Component Aid Station

On-Course Aid Station Locations

100- mile route

  • Aid Station #1 at 9.4 miles
  • Aid Station #2 at 27.5 miles
  • Aid Station #3 at 45.8 miles
  • Aid Station #4 at 62.2 miles
  • Aid Station #5 at 77.6 miles
  • Aid Station #6 at 88.5 miles

60- mile route

  • Aid Station #1 at 9.4 miles
  • Aid Station #2 at 27.5 miles
  • Aid Station #5 at 36.1 miles
  • Aid Station #6 at 47.33 miles

35- mile route

  • Aid Station #1 at 9.4 miles
  • Aid Station #5 at 15.9 miles
  • Aid Station #6 at 27.13 miles

Aid station worker with bacon

Lost and Found Fox Shox Aid Station in a field of flowers

Post Ride

  • A post event party will be provided for participants after they finish along with food, awards, donation drawing and entertainment. Lunch will be starting at 12:00PM through approximately 5:00PM.
  • Post ride festival details


Rules and Common Sense

Rules of the Road

  1. All riders are required to wear an approved helmet and cannot remove it at any time while riding.
  2. No support or follow vehicles are allowed. Aid stations will be well stocked and able to handle participant’s needs.
  3. Riders must ALWAYS obey traffic laws and strictly obey any law enforcement persons or official ride personnel. In the interest of your own safety, you should always assume the same level of vigilance in riding your bike during the event that you would under normal circumstances.
  4. When passing other riders, use common sense and pass on the left and let yourself be known when doing so. After you pass, resume riding as far right as safely possible. DO NOT PASS riders or vehicles on blind corners.
  5. Public urination or exposure is, as always, a definite NO-NO. Anyone caught using anything other than a porta-head in the start or finish area or appropriate nature-break facility will be disqualified from the event.
  6. You are responsible for your own mechanical needs during the event.
  7. Utilize the aid stations and stock up with the necessary fluids and food you’ll need to get yourself to back the finish area.
  8. Be prepared for extreme changes in the weather, this is the high country. A light windbreaker at the very least is a good idea. Sunblock is also a must at these altitudes. Ride will take place rain, shine, sleet or snow.
  9. Entry Refunds? There are no refunds.
  10. Headphones/ear buds are NOT permitted during a ride.
  11. Each rider is classified according to their age as of December 31st, the year of the event.
  12. Equipment: Bicycles cannot have handlebar extensions or additions that mount anywhere EXCEPT the end of the handlebar (ie., bar ends on standard MTB handlebars are acceptable) in other words, NO AEROBARS!
  13. Riders must respect the directions of all course marshals at all times. If you’re told to stop by a course marshal, moto official, uniformed officer or otherwise, YOU MUST STOP!
  14. All riders must attend the “riders’ meeting” held at the staging area 15 minutes prior to the event.
  15. The responsibility of keeping on the prescribed course rests with the rider. A rider may not leave the prescribed course unless ordered to do so by public authorities or a ride official.
  16. Shortcutting and/or cutting trail switchbacks or course is not permitted and may result in disqualification. A rider is required to stay on the designated route. It is the rider’s responsibility to know the designated ride route. Lack of tape or barriers will not constitute an excuse for cutting the course.
  • Laws and ordinances of appropriate jurisdictions shall be observed during participation in the event.
  • A rider may be suspended for damaging or destroying public or private property. A rider may be held liable for all costs associated with the damage or destruction.
  • Lost & Found officials reserve the right to make changes to the course, delay start times and/or postpone the event as necessary for safety or security purposes or at the request of permit issuers.

Riders on dirt road in valley

  • Riders must obey all applicable traffic laws during the event and are encouraged to use common sense, keep their head up and stay in their lane of travel. At no time will there be a closed road.
  • For the first 3.5 miles (first paved section) riders in the peloton will have full use of the right lane of travel, but cannot ride left of the yellow line into the oncoming lane at any time during the ride.
  • Once the route changes to a dirt road, riders must obey all traffic laws and use common sense, keeping their speed under control.
  • Riders should expect vehicle traffic on all roads, along with ATVs, motorcycles, livestock and wild animals. Stay in your lane and follow the rules of the road.
  • Once a rider is dropped from the main peloton they must ride as far right as possible in single formation. This applies to both the pavement and dirt sections. 

If at anytime an STBS staff member, or a member of the emergency response team, determines a rider is physically unable to complete the event within the allotted timeframe. You must accept a ride back to the emergency response center at the Portola Start/Finish area.

  • If you do not make the cut-off time or are unable for any reason to finish, please DO NOT go through the finish line as it will foul-up our results!
  • Riders who are not capable of getting back to either the start or finish areas under their own power will be transported by an event “sag” vehicle.
  • Course officials reserve the right to remove and “DNF” any rider from the event that is deemed incapable of safely finishing the course for any reason.

Riders riding in grass with mountains in the background



MORE INFO: This event is under special use permit with the Plumas National Forest. Non-Discrimination Notice. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agricultural policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA Director Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9310 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.